Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blueberry Muffins

Ah Blueberry Blueberry~ <3 I think, muffins are the simplest thing to bake others than pancake. It doesn’t take much time too. So, I bought this beautiful blueberry just because I want to try baking a blueberry muffin using a REAL blueberry and see whether it taste differently from the pre-mix one =P

beautiful isn’t?

This is my modified version of the original recipe taken from Nigella Lawson’s How to be a Domestic Goddess:

75g butter
200 g plain flour
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp baking powder
75g castor sugar
pinch of salt
200 mL buttermilk (or 100g yoghurt and 100 ml semi-skimmed milk)
1 large eggs
100g blueberries

Firstly, you have to melt the butter and set it aside to cool. Preheat the oven to 200 C.

Then, combine all the dry ingredient in one bowl and the liquid in another. You can put all the liquids in a jug or a measuring jug. It’ll be easier to pour those liquid from a jug than the bowl LOL XD Oh, beat together the liquid together (buttermilk, egg and melted butter).

Pour down the liquids into the dry ingredient and mix it gently by using a wooden spoon or spatula gently to combine. Don’t worry about the lumps, you don’t want the mixture to be overworked.


I think I overworked mine haha xD It was lumpy but then this is before I put my blueberry in. After I mix it some more, it become a bit smooth u_u My batter has been overworked u__u;;;

So, after you mix the batter, you can fold in the blueberry, keeping the mixing to a minimum. Spoon the batter into muffin cups and bake for 20 minutes, by which time the muffins should be risen and golden and firm on top.



Warm muffins on a rainy evening definitely hit the spot. It was so delicious. It was not sweet though. If you have sweet tooth, I suggest that you increase the sugar in the recipe.

The original recipe called for 200g blueberry but I only use 100g. Blueberry is really expensive here u_u These are a very expensive muffins LOL xD But 100g is really enough xD I’ll try to substitute the blueberry with jam or dried blueberry next  time. Let’s see if it worked.

Having that said, though it is expensive, these muffins are indeed a healthy dessert compared to the jam-filled one or the premix one. Enjoy!

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